The Trails in the Rainforest of Bastimentos Island
There are six trails organized on the island, four of them in the Ngäbe community of Salt Creek, one from the Ngäbe community of Bahia Honda and the other crosses the island between the Red Frog Beach and the mangroves in the bay between Bastimentos and Solarte.
The trails in Salt Creek are the "Path of the Cayman", in the rainforest close to the village, "Path of the Pelican", between the village and the coast and the beach of the eastern side of Bastimentos, "Path of Long Beach", to this beach in the north of the island and part of the Marine Park, and the "Path of the Medicine", with a specialist (suquia) on traditional medicinal plants. They are guided tours.
The trail in Bahia Honda is the Sloth Trail, very well known attraction and one of the best of the Archipelago. Departing from the community's restaurant the tour enters in a creek, navigating for some minutes, then hike through the forest until reaching a cave where live many bats. This path enter in the Bastimentos Island National Marine Park and it is a guided tour.
The trail of Red Frog Beach is a path between the beach in the north of the island and the mangroves in the south, in the bay. Usually it is used by people that leave the boat in the bay and walk through the island to reach the beach. Paying a little attention you will discover some attractions like birds, sloths, frogs and, in the small lagoon, fresh water turtles.
There are also some private trails, in the land owned by hotels (Tanquilo Bay) or small producers. You must contact them to be part of their tours.